Fresh-Cut Lit & More
FALL 2013
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Anthony Wallace’s story “Do Not Use Quotation Marks to Indicate Irony” received a Special Mention from the Pushcart Prize.
Filip Noterdaeme, American Arcadia
Surrealist Collage
**Toisha Tucker, Individuation, Identity, and the Parenthetical
Conceptual Art
***Morgan Gilbreath, The Ground Beneath My Feet
Glass Art in the Community
Jim O’Loughlin, Leaves of Grass App Update
Bonnie Altucher, Bobby Fear
Kieran Duddy, Cathedral
John Oliver Hodges, My Bitter Love
*Julia Hogan, Remnants
**DC Lambert, Candyland
Maggie Light, Quitter Takes All
Dan Micklethwaite, The Immaculate Sadness of Peter J. Beech
***Ashley Paxton-Turner, Liney’s Sense of It
Jane Sussman, The Runner
*Sarah Van Name, The Wasps and the Queen
Anthony Wallace, Do Not Use Quotation Marks to Indicate Irony
Benjamin Woodard, The Long Green Stretch, The Tall Trees, The Clouds Shaped Like Stars
*S.I. Adams, Pesante Con Moto/Allegro Barbaro
Jennifer Faylor, Conversations overheard in a bowling alley when there is a city wide power outage
Jason Gordon, String Theories
**Nicole Greaves, Sack of Scarabs and Moments in the Trees
**Matthew Harrison, New Worlds Are Old News
Stephanie Papa, All This
***David Poplar, Navigation by Spoonlight
Alex Schmidt, Hide-and-Seek
**Paul Siegell, We’ve Come for Your Blood Test Results and We’ve Come for your Yuengling Yammering
William Winfield Wright, It’s Not a Contest
Chavisa Woods, This
Jerrold Yam, Picasso in 10 Lines and Snow
Lily Brent, The Biological Need to Adapt
Lauren Brown, Quintessence
Carlo Matos, Honey
Mercedes Lawry, Puzzling and Breathing Room
Lindsay Miller, A Nice Place to Visit
*Lydia Pudzianowski, Ghost Story
**Desiree Wilkins, Leap Year Baby
Andrew Browers, Somewhere, A Honeybee
Andrea Jarrell, On the Miracle Mile
*John Michael Mumme, On (And Off) Consistency
Michael Nagel, America
Olivia 子琁 Tun, What the Stars are Saying
***Hannah White, Adventures in Gym Class
William Beem, “Milo”