Man in vans walking up steps

Preston Eagan

someone else’s car / a big dude dragging me up a flight of stairs / seeing my brother / we’re in his dorm / I don’t acknowledge him, because of the amethyst in the corner / loving its purple color / trying to eat it but failing because it’s a stone/ barricading myself in his dorm room/ the big dude breaks down the door / drags me out / kiss him on the cheek/ slaps me in response / hours later / I’m on my knees / my mouth dry / the house before me / I hope is mine/ I crawl to its doorstep / it doesn’t look happy to see me / God says it isn’t haunted / I’m that dummy who still has peachfuzz / I’m disoriented so / This town will murder me / this town will be my coffin / my arm  through the window

Preston Eagan author photoPreston Eagan is studying journalism and business at the University of Alabama. He writes columns for the Crimson White

Image credit: Ryan Tauss on Unsplash

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