Child and bird on a beach

Katy Kim

I flick brother’s ear;
……..say you could hide something
in here. Stonefruit maybe,

or the yolks we collect
……..from Narragansett. Our skin
yellow-like, hair both brush

and nest, we argue sweetly. Remark
…… the showy hyacinth, their stalks.
Say: brother, this is the mark

on your earlobe cut by your first
……..haircut. The mercury in bluefin
tuna. A serrated wave.

But the water only tastes
…… pomegranates here,
and it is never stonefruit season.

Headshot of Katy KimKaty Kim is a student. Her work is forthcoming or published in Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Hermeneutic Chaos, The Blueshift Journal, the Asian American Writers’ Workshop, and has been featured on Verse Daily, among others. Her chapbook, Melon / Echelon is forthcoming from Hermeneutic Chaos Press this year.

Image credit: Igor Spasic on Flickr

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